Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Apple Upside Down Cake


Its apple season and if anyone is like our family and goes overboard at the apple farm then this recipe can help you use up some of that produce.

This is a very simple recipe I put together because I was short of time and it actually turned out really good, 

To make the recipe even easier I use a store bought box of cake mix.


3 tablespoons of brown sugar

1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

2 tablespoons of butter or margarine

1 box of cake mix of your choice ( I used Betty Crocker Yellow mix)

About 3 medium apples skinned, cored and sliced

Juice of half a lemon


Preheat the oven according to the directions on your boxed cake mix.

Line a spring form pan with parchment paper . Add the softened butter/margarine and rub or brush all over the base and the sides of the pan. Leave aside

Wash , skin and core the apples. Put in a bowl and add 2 tablespoons of brown sugar and 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon. Add the lemon juice and stir well

Layer the slices to cover the bottom of the pan.

Sprinkle the remaining tablespoon of brown sugar and the 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon evenly over the apples.  Keep aside.

Prepare the cake mix from the box according to the instructions for your cake mix.  Pour the batter over the apples in the cake pan.

Bake according to the box instructions. Mine took a little longer to cook through than the instructions on the box. Remember to test your cake for doneness by poking a skewer through the middle of the cake. If the skewer comes out clear ( no stickiness on the skewer), then the cake is done.

Remove from the oven and let the cake cool on a rack for half an hour. then remove the sides of the spring form and let it cool another half hour.  After that turn the cake upside down on your serving dish and remove the bottom of the pan and the paper lining. 

I like to eat this cake warm all by itself. But you could take it up a notch by serving it with ice-cream or whipped cream. Enjoy

Approximate nutritional value based on 16 servings
132 calories, 9.7 g Fat, 10.5 g Carbohydrates ( 1.1 g Fiber, 7.9 g sugars), 1.8 g protein

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